Today I'll tell you just some interesting things I did/saw in the last days or weeks.
1. Wednesday I had no school - "Fall holiday". With my host mom and a friend (another german student I met at school) I went to the NASA Space-Center in Houston. We had tickets for a behind-the-scenes tour, so we saw some rooms/building where usually no visitors are. For example we could sit in the historic Mission Control room, see where astronauts train and eat in their cafeteria. We had a great day, it was lot of fun and very interesting!
2. Yesterday was a football game again, and we started marching our whole show in uniforms (pants, jackets and hats). It was very hot because we had to keep everything on, even after the halftime show, but it was fun, though!
One girl filmed the whole show, it is not the best quality and sometimes she talks to her friend, but maybe it gives you an idea about what we're doing:
3. I don't know if I alrady said that I changed my schedule after the first three week. In my dance class, we never did something, we just sat around and waited until the class is over. I knew that the choir teacher is very nice, and so I decided to change into that class. It was definitely the right decision, I love what we sing in choir and all the students there are very nice!
I also changed from French 4 to Spanish 2. Our french teacher wasn't organized the whole time and we didn't learn anything new. I took spanish last year in Germany and I think here in Texas everybody speaks at least some words spanish (because it's so close to Mexico). I'm happy with my new spanish class too!
4. Last Sunday I went ice skating with a group of AFS exchange students. There is a shopping mall in Houston where you can do ice skating during the whole year. It was awesome and we had lot of fun!
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